The micro-regional context as well as the remains revealed by these first investigations made Anavlochos an exceptional case study in order to document the transitional period from the palaces to the city-states in the Mirabello area. This is the reason why the EFA started new research in 2015, under the direction of F. Gaignerot-Driessen.
As a first step of investigation, a two-year (2015-2016) archaeological, topographical and geomorphological survey of 150 ha of the massif located the remains indicated by Demargne and clarified the extent, nature and chronology of ancient occupation. This started at the end of Late Minoan IIIB (Table 1), when small hamlets were settled in a dispersed way all over the ridge. In Protogeometric, most of these early residential sites were abandoned in favour of the ones occupying the central valley, where an urban center started then to develop over ca 10 ha (fig. 5). This settlement was entirely restructured in Late Geometric and abandoned in the beginning of the 7th c. BC. At the foot of the central valley, the cemetery of Lami extends over an area of ca 12 ha and offers small groups of graves of various types located on the summit of small eminences punctuating the slopes. In addition to the votive deposit reported by Demargne at Kako Plaï, two new cultic spaces (Deposits 1 and 2) were also located on the summit during the survey.
As a first step of investigation, a two-year (2015-2016) archaeological, topographical and geomorphological survey of 150 ha of the massif located the remains indicated by Demargne and clarified the extent, nature and chronology of ancient occupation. This started at the end of Late Minoan IIIB (Table 1), when small hamlets were settled in a dispersed way all over the ridge. In Protogeometric, most of these early residential sites were abandoned in favour of the ones occupying the central valley, where an urban center started then to develop over ca 10 ha (fig. 5). This settlement was entirely restructured in Late Geometric and abandoned in the beginning of the 7th c. BC. At the foot of the central valley, the cemetery of Lami extends over an area of ca 12 ha and offers small groups of graves of various types located on the summit of small eminences punctuating the slopes. In addition to the votive deposit reported by Demargne at Kako Plaï, two new cultic spaces (Deposits 1 and 2) were also located on the summit during the survey.

Fig. 5: Topographical plan of Anavlochos in 2017 (© EFA/Anavlochos Project)
Based on these results and within the frame of the new five-year (2017-2021) research program of the EFA, excavations were resumed on Anavlochos in 2017. They revealed new groups of graves in the cemetery. In one of them, a cremation pit located between two pit graves, unfortunately looted, was brought to light (fig. 6). The accumulation of stone piles covering the pits and the curvilinear enclosing wall to the North seem to indicate the existence of a tumulus. The material recovered includes large decorated vessels dated to the Late Geometric period.

Fig. 6: Group of graves excavated in 2017 (© EFA/Anavlochos Project)
On the slope of Kako Plaï, some meters above the votive deposit excavated by Pierre Demargne in 1929, a small bench sanctuary, as well as Late Minoan IIIC-Classical material were brought to light. A Protogeometric skyphos and the head of a female figure provisionally dated to the Late Minoan IIIC-Protogeometric period (fig. 7) were found on the floor at the foot of the bench.

Fig. 7: Head of a female figure from the sanctuary at Kako Plaï (© EFA/Anavlochos Project/Ch. Papanikolopoulos)
On the summit, the two votive deposits located during the 2016 survey were also excavated in 2017. Deposit 2 is located in the highest cavities of a small rocky peak (figs 5 and 8): 150 fragments of terracotta zoomorphic figures and figurines, as well as horns of consecration, were collected there (figs 9-11). The deposit is dated to the Late Minoan IIIC period.

Fig. 8: View of Deposit 2 from the South-East (© EFA/Anavlochos Project/R. Machavoine)

Fig. 9-11: Figures and figurines from Deposit 2(© EFA/Anavlochos Project/Ch. Papanikolopoulos)
Deposit 1 is located 150 m west of Deposit 2 (fig. 5): in the crevices of an outcrop of bedrock, 550 fragments of terracotta figures, figurines and plaques were recovered. These are dated from the Protogeometric to the Classical period and exclusively represent female figures (figs 12-20).

Fig. 12-19: Figures, figurines and plaques from Deposit 1 (© EFA/Anavlochos Project/Ch. Papanikolopoulos)
Between 2015 and 2018, the Anavlochos Project benefited from the support of the EFA, INSTAP, ARC program Crisis (UCLouvain), ARPAMED, Humboldt Foundation, FNRS, CNRS (EA 7338 and UMR 8167), Cyprus Institute, University of North Carolina, Stanford University, Cincinnati University, Paris-Sorbonne University, Bordeaux University, University of Lorraine, Heidelberg University, and Cardiff University.
© EFA / F. Gaignerot-Driessen