Booking a room in Athens
On request, the French School at Athens is in a position to provide accommodation for researchers. For all bookings please contact Ms Evi Platanitou with as much notice as possible at the following address: Requests are dealt with on a first come, first served basis.
Guests undertake to respect the rules laid down by the School.
Voir le règlement de la maison des hôtes en français
Προβολή κανονισμού του ξενώνα στα ελληνικά
Booking a room at the sites
The French School at Athens has excavation houses at the sites where it carries out its activities. The primary function of these excavation houses is to host researchers following one of the School's programmes. It is only in addition to this that they welcome foreign researchers at the FSA who wish to take advantage of these establishments. For all bookings please contact Ms Evi Platanitou with as much notice as possible at the following address:
The rules laid down for the guesthouse at Athens apply to the excavation houses.