Julien Faguer, membre de 4e année, animera une séance de l'atelier d'épigraphie d'Oxford, le 7 février, autour du corpus des dédicaces en préparation à Delphes : Statues and Space in Hellenistic Delphi: Some Remarks Based on a New Corpus of Dedications
Abstract. — This paper discusses aspects of statues and space in Hellenistic Delphi resulting from the preparation, still in progress, of a new volume of the Corpus des Inscriptions de Delphes which brings together all the dedications of the sanctuary of Apollo as well as the sanctuaries to other deities on Delphic territory (CID VII). The process of producing this new corpus gives an opportunity to consider and investigate long term developments in text formulae, with the question of chronology in mind, as well as the architectural and topographical context of monuments, two aspects which have become central in recent scholarship about honorary statuary and monumental offerings. This paper will show that the study of ornamental strategies as well as variations in dedicatory formulas of statue bases can enable us to recover aspects of spatial dynamics and symbolic strategies of local elites in the Delphic sanctuaries in the course of the Hellenistic period.
7 février 2022 – 13h-14h (GMT)
First Floor Seminar Room,
Ioannou Center for Classical and Byzantine Studies, Oxford University.
Programme du séminaire