The Association of Friends of the École française d'Athènes (AEFA) was founded on November 22, 2016 and officially recognised by the Athens Justice of the Peace on January 19, 2018. It has unlimited duration. The Association’s head office is located at the École française d'Athènes, Didotou 6.
The main objectives of the Association are:
promoting archaeological and historical research carried out by the École française d'Athènes (EFA) in Greece; providing moral and material support to the School’s scientific work
contributing to protecting and promoting monuments and objects from the excavations of the École française d'Athènes
strengthening links between Greece and France by providing support for research.
All physical and moral persons, whether Greek, French or of any other nationality, are able to become members of the Association after having sent a written request to the President of the Governing Board, Mr Constantin Karagounis. Members have the right to speak at General Assemblies, to receive regular updates on the Association’s activities, to submit proposals to the Governing Board, and to elect fellow members to and stand for election to the Governing Board. Members also have the right to take part in the Association’s activities.
Only members who are up to date with their membership fees can participate in the projects of the General Assembly and stand for election to the Governing Board.
Members of the Association enjoy the following privileges (in respect to the rules voted by the EFA’s Governing Board.
use of the EFA’s park, conference room, and halls in Didotou Street, Athens, for holding receptions and high-level events;
privileged access to the EFA archaeological sites, notably Delphi, Delos, Mallia, Thasos, Philippi, etc., and to the museums on those sites. Exclusive guided visits for the directors and guests of partner organisations. Printed documentary literature;
guided visits to prestigious monuments (Athens Acropolis) and major museums (Museum of the Acropolis, National Museum) for the directors and guests of partner organisations;
access to the EFA’s public and scientific events. Exclusive conferences on current issues in research in Greece;
the possibility of acquiring, in preferential conditions, publications to be used as corporate gifts.
This list is not restrictive.
Membership fees
Individual member. Membership fee from 20 euros per year.
“Institutions, Companies and Businesses” member. Fees from 200 euros per year.
“‘Major Contributor’ member”. Fees of 1,000 euros and over per year. ‘Major Contributors’ can include businesses, foundations, institutions and private individuals.
Download the Membership Form FR
Download the Membership Form GR
Bank details
Name of bank: Ethnikh Trapeza/ Εθνική Τράπεζα
Account holder: Philoi Gallikis Sxolis Athinon / Φίλοι Γαλλικής Σχολής Αθηνών
Account number: 139/002955-62
IBAN: GR55 0110 1390 0000 1390 0295 562
Governing board
President: Constantin Karagounis, lawyer at the Athens and Paris bars
Vice-president: Véronique Chankowski, director of the FSA, ex officio
Secretary: Pierre Ducrey, professeur honoraire
Treasurer: Laurent Thuillier, Vice-Director General of Groupama Asfalitiki
Members: Théodore Fortsakis, Professor at the University of Athens ; Panayotis Tournikiotis, Professor at the Polytechnic School of Athens
Contributions auditors
Maria-Christina Chatzinikolaou and Aspasia Louvi
For all correspondence:
Statutes of the AEFA