Read online

The École française d'Athènes supports free and open access to scientific information. All its publications are available online.


Bulletin de correspondance hellénique
Volumes no. 1 to 138 (from 1877 to 2014) are freely accessible on the Persée portal. On the Cefael portal, volumes 1 to 124 (from 1877 to 2000); on the Gallica  portal, volumes no. 1 to 59 (from 1877 to 1935).
As of issue 139 (2015), the BCH is available at The texts are freely accessible in HTML format for everyone. They can be downloaded in PDF and ePub formats only for users of partner institutions (libraries, campuses, research centres).
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique moderne et contemporain
Since its creation in 2019, the BCHmc has been available online at The texts are freely accessible in HTML format for everyone; their download in pdf or epub format is possible for partner institutions (libraries, campuses, research centres).
Bulletin archéologique des Écoles françaises à l’étranger
Since its creation in 2020, the Bulletin archéologique has been available online at The texts are fully open (read and download). [site under construction].

The collections

The École française d'Athènes offers online consultation of its works and they can be downloaded in pdf format.
The latest issues of the Supplément du BCH, Bibliothèque de l’French School at Athens et de Rome and Mondes méditerranéens et balkaniques are accessible at They are freely accessible in HTML format for everyone.
The other collections will be gradually available online on the Casalini Libri Digital Division website. After registering on the site, consultation is free (with the possibility of "full-text" research) as is the download of title pages and tables of contents.
All the works and issues of the BCH, from 1877 to 2000, are available free of charge on the CEFAEL website:


The École française d'Athènes designs and maintains freely accessible documentary databases.