- 1846 – 1867 / Directorship of A. DAVELUY
- 1867 – 1875 / Directorship of É. BURNOUF
- 1875 – 1878 / Directorship of A. DUMONT
- 1878 – 1890 / Directorship of P. FOUCART
- 1890 – 1903 / Directorship of T. HOMOLLE
- 1903 – 1912 / Directorship of M. HOLLEAUX
- 1912 – 1913 / Second directorship of T. HOMOLLE
- 1913 – 1919 / Directorship of G. FOUGÈRES
- 1919 – 1925 / Directorship of C. PICARD
- 1925 – 1935 / Directorship of P. ROUSSEL
- 1936 – 1950 / Directorship of R. DEMANGEL
- 1950 – 1969 / Directorship of G. DAUX
- 1969 – 1981 / Directorship of P. AMANDRY
- 1981 – 1992 / Directorship of O. PICARD
- 1992 – 2001 / Directorship of R. ÉTIENNE
- 2002 – 2011 / Directorship of D. MULLIEZ
- 2011 – 2019 / Directorship A. FARNOUX
- 2019 – …… / Directorship V. CHANKOWSKI
1846 – 1867 / Directorship of A. DAVELUY
Internal affairs
Arrival in Athens of the first year-group of seven members, nicknamed the ‘Argonauts’.
Staffing decree that sets out the academic character of the FSA; it is placed under the scholarly supervision of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres.
Decree creating three sections: Literature, Sciences, and Arts. The Arts section hosts the resident members from the Villa Medici. Members are required to spend three months in Italy.
Academic activities
The FSA’s first excavations: E. Beulé unearths the Byzantine entrance of the Athenian Acropolis.
First preliminary surveys at Delphi: clearing of a part of the polygonal wall.
Exploration of Macedonia, Thrace, Thessaly, and Epirus, by L. Heuzey and H. Daumet. This expedition was financed by Napoléon III, who was interested in Caesar’s battles in the east.
1867 – 1875 / Directorship of É. BURNOUF
Internal affairs
Inauguration of the Sciences section, which had admitted no one since its creation in 1859, and which disappeared in 1874. Its sole member is a physicist, H. Gorceix.
Construction, on the Lycabettus Hill, of the FSA’s buildings; the first stone is laid by J. Ferry.
Creation of a branch of the FSA in Rome, with A. Dumont as director. The Athenian members spend a year there and follow a training course in archaeology. The branch becomes autonomous in 1875, as the Archaeological School at Rome.
Formal regulation of the FSA’s entry competition, which includes written and oral examinations, including an examination in modern Greek.
Academic activities
Excavation seasons at Santorini by H. Gorceix and H. Mamet, who uncover part of a prehistoric establishment at Akrotiri where, a century later, Greek excavators will discover a Minoan ‘Pompeii’.
Beginning of excavations on Delos.
1875 – 1878 / Directorship of A. DUMONT
Internal affairs
Foundation of the Institut de Correspondance hellénique, which brings together Greek and French scholars to exchange academic information about the ancient and modern Greek worlds.
Academic Activities
Dumont’s ‘triennium’ takes on a particular importance in the School’s history, with a clearly defined academic policy, the creation of tools for circulating knowledge, and an openness towards all aspects of the ancient and modern Greek worlds (including prehistory, the Byzantine era, and neo-Hellenic languages).
Creation, in collaboration with the School at Rome, of the Library of the French Schools at Athens and Rome, of which the purpose is to publish the work of the two Schools’ members.
Publication of the first volume of the Bulletin de Correspondance hellénique, the FSA’s annual journal. Beginning of the exploration of the sanctuary at Delos: this first phase ends in 1894.
1878 – 1890 / Directorship of P. FOUCART
Internal affairs
Academic activities
P. Foucart puts into action a large part of the programme begun by his predecessor: exploratory travels in Greece and Asia Minor are instigated, and excavations are carried out at 18 sites in Boeotia, the Peloponnese (Mantinea, Nemea and Tegea), and Asia Minor. An epigrapher of distinction, he introduces a tradition: the collection and publication of Greek inscriptions, which remain one of the FSA’s strengths.
Excavations at Samos, and acquisition of the Hera of Samos for the Louvre Museum.
Excavation of the necropolis at Myrina in Asia Minor, which results in an abundant harvest of terracotta statuettes, which are given to the Louvre.
Excavations of the oracular sanctuary of Apollo at Ptoion (Boeotia).
Work continues at Delphi and Delos.
1890 – 1903 / Directorship of T. HOMOLLE
Internal affairs
1898 (April)
Celebration of the School’s fiftieth anniversary, after a delay caused by the Greco-Turkish War.
1899 Decree altering the admissions procedure for the FSA’s members: establishment of a year of specialised studies, to prepare the members for their future work (this course replaces the written examinations).
Decree creating the foreign section, which hosts resident members from friendly nations that do not maintain archaeological missions in Greece. This section is lodged in the ‘Annexe’, built in 1902-1903.
Academic activities
‘Major excavation’ at Delphi: uncovering of the hieron of Apollo. In 1903 the Delphi museum is opened.
Excavation of Lato in Crete.
Beginning of excavations at Argos by C.W. Vollgraff, the first Dutch member.
Excavation of the sanctuary of Poseidon and Amphitrite at Tenos by H. Demoulin and P. Graindor, Belgian members.
1903 – 1912 / Directorship of M. HOLLEAUX
Internal affairs
Organisation of a School for the teaching of French known as the ‘École Giffard’, after the man who created a foundation for the development of French culture. Until 1945, the teaching of French in Greece was under the control of the FSA, which was also a centre for examinations.
Alteration of the FSA’s admissions procedure: the competition is opened to those who have passed the agrégation and successfully submitted a thesis (for the Diplôme d’études supérieures) on a topic in Greek archaeology or epigraphy (it replaces the year-long course).
Academic activities
Reconstruction of the Treasury of the Athenians at Delphi.
Archaeological exploration of Delos, thanks to financial support provided by the Duke of Loubat. In particular, discovery of the Hellenistic town.
Beginning of the excavation of Thasos.
1912 – 1913 / Second directorship of T. HOMOLLE
Academic activities
Excavations of the sanctuary of Apollo at Claros (Asia Minor).
1913 – 1919 / Directorship of G. FOUGÈRES
Internal affairs
Creation of the post of Secretary General, a former member of the FSA, of which the first holder is C. Picard.
The ‘Athenians’ are called to action on the eastern front, as either combatants or interpreters. The School is home to the offices of the Ambassador’s military attachés and the School’s director plays an important role in the French propaganda in Greece aimed at preparing for Greece’s entry into the conflict alongside the Entente Powers. G. Fougères is president of the Franco-Hellenic League, which has 4000 members in 1918, and maintains a close relationship with E. Venizelos.
December 1916 – June 1918
Following a clash in Athens between French troops and royalist troops, the FSA closes its doors; the buildings are placed under the supervision of the director of the American school.
Academic activities
Opening of the excavation site at the Roman colony of Philippi (the FSA’s main Roman and Byzantine excavation in northern Greece) just before the war.
During entrenchment work at the Dardanelles, the necropolis of Elaeus (Thrace) is discovered.
Organisation of a unit of the Oriental Army that included the former ‘Athenians’. Excavations of prehistoric establishments in Macedonia, and the collection of Byzantine documents.
1919 – 1925 / Directorship of C. PICARD
Internal affairs
Reform of the FSA’s entry competition: instead of the thesis, candidates may present a certificate in Classical Antiquity, offered by a certain number of universities.
Academic activities
In the aftermath of the war, despite a few isolated efforts (excavations at Notion in 1921 and Teos in 1924), the FSA ceases all activity in Asia Minor, at the time of the failure of the Greek campaign in Anatolia and the extermination of Greek culture in Turkey.
The Thasos excavation is resumed.
Three excavation seasons at the Neolithic tell at Dikili Tash.
Beginning of exploration of the Minoan site at Malia.
1925 – 1935 / Directorship of P. ROUSSEL
Internal affairs
The French School is given the title of the ‘French Archaeological School, at Athens’ in the decree that sets out its financial administration.
Creation of the position of accountant and a position in architecture.
Academic activities
There were no new major excavations during the directorship of P. Roussel, but work continued at the traditional sites (especially at Malia, Philippi and Thasos, but also at Delphi and Delos), and many publications were produced.
Excavations of the historic site of Dreros (Crete).
Resumption on a large scale of the excavations at Delphi, and work at Krissa, the ancient port of Delphi; these will continue until 1938.
1936 – 1950 / Directorship of R. DEMANGEL
Internal affairs
1947 (September)
Centenary of the French School.
Academic activities
Anastylosis of the Lion of Amphipolis, in collaboration with the American School.
Excavations at Olous (Crete).
Anastylosis of three columns of the tholos at Delphi, and of the temple of Apollo.
Discovery, under the Sacred Way at Delphi, of the favissa, which contained precious offerings that had been thrown out.
Beginning of the exploration of Gortys in Arcadia. More generally, the Second World War and the Greek civil war restricted the School’s activities, although it did resume excavations at Malia in 1946, and at Thasos and Delos in 1948.
1950 – 1969 / Directorship of G. DAUX
Internal affairs
Creation of a post of Official Librarian, and, in 1966, of a post of sub-librarian.
Construction of a new building, home to the technical services that are beginning to expand with staff recruited locally (e.g. the photograph library, library of plans, and drawing office).
Academic activities
A certain number of new initiatives are launched at the traditional sites (Delos, Malia and Thasos), and the School begins new work at sites where it had previously excavated, such as Argos, Dikili Tash and Lato.
Resumption of excavations on the agora at Argos.
Franco-Greek excavations of the Neolithic tell of Dikili Tash. Excavations of the northern residential areas at Delos.
Emergency excavations at Medeon in Phocis, on the site of the future aluminium factory of Pechiney Aluminium in Greece.
Beginning of excavations of the Protopalatial district in Malia (‘Mu Quarter’).
Work is resumed on the historical site of Lato (Crete).
The FSA offers assistance to the exploratory excavation of the Neolithic cave at Kitsos (Laurion).
1969 – 1981 / Directorship of P. AMANDRY
Internal affairs
Three positions for French governmental employees are created, for an architect, a technical associate, and a photographer.
Academic activities
The traditional sites (Argos, Dikili Tash, Thasos and Malia) continue to be active, while new initiatives of limited duration are launched (the Corycian cave, the Rhenea tombs, and Tenos). The School establishes a base in Cyprus (Amathus), at the request of the local authorities, after the Turkish invasion of 1974.
Excavations of the Corycian cave, a cave above Delphi occupied from the Neolithic period onwards, and in historical times dedicated to the cult of Pan and the Nymphs.
Excavation of the Gate of Silenus at Thasos (defensive wall and residential area).
Resumption of excavations of the sanctuary of Poseidon and Amphitrite at Tenos.
Excavations of the Hellenistic tombs at Rhenea, on the terrace of Ano Generale. Beginning of excavations at Amathus in Cyprus, co-funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Study of the forum at Philippi is resumed.
1981 – 1992 / Directorship of O. PICARD
Internal affairs
New statutes for the FSA that set out its role as a ‘public academic, cultural and professional institution… Its essential purpose is research and research training in all areas related to ancient and Byzantine Greece. Its mission is also to be open to the many different aspects of the civilisation of the ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary Greek worlds’. The FSA is at this time given an Academic Board and a Board of Trustees. It receives members and, in a significant development, scholarship-holders.
Recruitment of a Publications Assistant (the position had been provided for in the statutes of 1985).
Creation of a position for a ninth member, designed to be granted to a specialist in modern and contemporary Greece (the first member to be a modern specialist is admitted in July 1990).
Celebration of the hundredth anniversary of excavations at Delphi and the touring exhibition ‘Delphi and the Origins of Apollo’. Thanks to the FSA’s favourable financial position, it is able to develop its academic, technical and administrative services. The administration of these services is computerised.
Academic activities
Although the list of sites on which the FSA works remains unchanged, with excavations at Amathus, Argos, Delos, Delphi, Dikili Tash, Malia and Thasos, unprecedented initiatives are undertaken, associated with the development of modern archaeological practices (such as surveys and underwater excavations). Creation of computerised databases (amphora handles, coins, mosaics). After 1989, the School is able to turn to the Balkans and the eastern countries (agreements are made with Albania, Bulgaria, Russia and Ukraine).
Organisation of the FSA’s first conference.
Franco-Greek excavations at the port of Thasos.
Franco-Greek survey of the island of Thasos, in order to produce an archaeological map.
Excavation of a farm at Delos, survey of the area, study of the port and coastline.
Excavations of the Mycenaean district at Malia.
Beginning of systematic exploration of the area of Malia.
1992 – 2001 / Directorship of R. ÉTIENNE
Internal affairs
Text that sets out the new conditions for the FSA’s entry competition, following the report of the ministerial commission chaired by J. Marcadé. This text approves specific examinations for specialists in prehistory, Byzantine studies, and contemporary Greece. Recruitment of an IT Officer, as a technical associate position. Creation of a position of associate professor, responsible for neo-Hellenic studies.
Academic activities
Two excavation sites are the subject of major programmes: Delos (systematic surveys in the sanctuary of Apollo) and Thasos (research on Roman Thasos). A policy of openness towards the Balkan countries (Albania) and Russia is practised.
Exhibition on ‘Argos and the French: Two Centuries of Friendship’, in conjunction with the municipal administration of Argos.
Exploration of the Middle Bronze Age site of Sovjan (Albania), co-funded by the Foreign Ministry.
Resumption of work at the site of Itanos in Crete (excavations and survey of the area), together with a team from the universities of Rethymnon and Paris I.
1996 (September)
One hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the French School at Athens.
2002 – 2011 / Directorship of D. MULLIEZ
Academic activities
- The four-year contracts for 2004-2007 and 2008-2011 are drawn up.
- Ancient world
- new programmes at Delos (Aphrodision, 2004; House of Fourni 2008; Pythion, 2009), Thasos (DOM 5, 2004), Amathus (palace shops, phase 2, 2004), Malia (Delta district, 2005), Kirrha (2007), Dikili Tash (2008) and Dreros (2008).
- the epigraphic corpora of Philippi and Thasos are created.
- Modern and contemporary eras
- extension to the Balkans as a whole of the research programmes dedicated to the modern and contemporary eras (2004).
Research training
- Creation of doctoral contracts for research in specific areas (2007), and of post-doctoral contracts (2008).
Research tools
- Written materials
- inclusion of the library catalogue in SUDOC (2004);
- the FSA becomes a Centre for the Acquisition and Circulation of Academic and Technical Information (CADIST) for the ancient world, in co-operation with the Sorbonne library (2008);
- organisation of the manuscript archives and inclusion in the CALAMES network (2011);
- inclusion in the AREA (2004), CARTOMED (2006) and CALAMES (2011) networks.
- Visual materials
- the ‘Archimage’ database is created.
- Publications
- the CEFAEL portal is created (2003 – a programme begun on the initiative of R. Étienne);
- BCH is transferred to the Persée portal (2007);
- creation of the Recherches Archéologiques franco-albanaises series in partnership with the French School at Rome (2007);
- online chronicle of excavations in partnership with the British School at Athens (2009);
- creation of the Mondes Méditerranéen et Balkanique series, as a successor to the Champs helléniques modernes et contemporains series.
Internal affairs
- Headquarters
work carried out on the basis of a buildings programme put into practice in 2003- guesthouse and associated work (2003-2004): refurbishment of the guesthouse; development of the Tsolakis building’s first floor; creation of a computer room and a room to house the servers; creation of a new restoration workshop.
- library and associated work (2002-2010): replacement of the flooring in room A (2002); complete refurbishment of room B (2005-2006); rearrangement of the reception and the corridors by connecting rooms C and D; creation of a room for electronic documentation, a dedicated office for the excavations chronicle, a storeroom for the library, a place to store new works and rooms for the preservation and consultation of squeezes; enlargement of the librarians’ offices; development of a second studio.
- various: renovation of the ‘Super-Luxe’ and restoration of the director’s wing, which had been damaged by the earthquake of 1999 (2003); development of the car park, with disabled access (2011).
- Sites
- refurbishment of the houses at Thasos and Delos (walls and roofing);
- creation of a new storeroom with work space at Dikili Tash.
Management and administration
- Senior management
- creation of the post of Secretary General (2002);
- creation of a post for a full-time Director of Studies for research on Greece and the Balkans in the modern and contemporary periods, replacing the part-time post of associate professor (2004).
- Implementation of a Health and Safety policy (2007) and establishment of the Technical Committee (2010).
- Drawing up, with the services of the ministry and the directors of the other French Schools overseas, of the decree of February 11 2011 governing these five institutions. In accordance with this decree, revision of Heading I of the FSA’s internal regulations (2011), with a redefinition of the examinations in the competition to admit members.
- Various
- Modern Greek classes for newly-admitted French-speaking members are instituted.