5g. Malia – Research on the Paleoenvironment (2015-2017)

Research into the paleogeographical evolution of Malia's plain began again in 2015, with new studies in the marsh bordering the site of the Minoan city: 11 sediment cores were taken (from a depth of 4 to 8 metres) under the guidance of Laurent Lespez (UPEC-UMR 8591 CNRS) and Maia Pomadère (Université Paris 1-ArScAn), with the collaboration of Jean-François Berger (CNRS-UMR 5600, Lyon) and Arthur Glais (Université de Caen).
Plan du sondage
Malia, topographical plan of the Marsh's outlines. Drawn up by L. Fadin © FSA

These cores are currently the subject of multi-parameter analyses and radiocarbon dating, which will enable researchers to determine how the marsh evolved from the Neolithic period until today. 
Several preliminary observations have, however, already been formulated: the marshy sequences present in the sediment cores confirm that Malia’s marsh was from the middle Neolithic period (6th millennium) a low marsh supplied by freshwater streams. The precise study of sedimentary facies should provide the keys to understanding the impact of unusual hydro-climatic or tectonic events, such as storm flooding, as suggested by a clear change in the rhythm of sedimentation like that which occurred in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC.

These preliminary results still need to be refined and/or confirmed by the results of sedimentological, geochemical or pollen analyses currently in progress.   

M. Pomadère © FSA