Forty years after the first French excavations at Amathus, the fieldwork and surveying at the site continues in collaboration with the Cypriot archaeological authorities.

Georeferencing of the inscription of Kallinikos by Lionel Fadin (A. Cannavò)
Under the guidance of Anna Cannavò a Geographical Information System (GIS) will soon be made available: following the model elaborated by the French School at Athens in Delos, it will allow for the collecting of all existent scientific information about both the ancient excavations and recent missions. Accessible to all researchers who wish to better understand the topography of Amathus from an electronic search portal on-line, this tool is proof of the French School at Athens’ vitality and commitment to pooling information and resources relative to the ancient city: recalibrating the ancient maps, completing its database, updating the known graves of Amathus in order to contribute to a more thorough knowledge of the city’s organization, its mortuary and social customs, its places of worship and its urban fabric.

View from the acropolis towards the southeast (A. Cannavò)
The French School at Athens also gives special importance to the publication of monographs consecrated to the history and archaeology of Amathus: Le porte externe (J.-Y. Empereur); La muraille et le quartier Nord (P. Aupert & Cl. Balandier); Le temple d’Aphrodite (A. Hermary & M. Schmid); La prospection (C. Petit-Aupert); Les nécropoles (A. Hermary & Y. Violaris).
Lastly, the support of the French Embassy and the French Institute of Cyprus contributes to the progress of site development at Amathus. In cooperation with the archaeological services of the Limassol district, a valorization project for the lower city and for the acropolis will be launched in order to give visitors the most stunning and most comprehensive image of the Amathusian discoveries.
L. Thély, trans. A.M. Schroth-Daskalakis