The library of photographs and plans is open by appointment from Monday to Friday, from 10am to 2pm.
Any use of an image of which the FSA holds the copyright must be done with permission and is subject to the payment of fees for document provision.
Publication of an unpublished document must imperatively be subject to a preliminary agreement with the person responsible for the work.
For all requests for information and consultation:
Ordering documents
All documents are dispatched in digital format only, within seven working days.- Online documents must be ordered using ArchImage.
For other documents in the archives
Photograph library
Requests for digital copies must be sent to the member of staff in charge of the photograph library. The attached form must be used.
Order form (to be completed online) -
Library of plans
Requests for printouts must be sent to the member of staff in charge of the library of plans. The attached form must be used.
Order form (to be completed online)
Photograph library
The order form should be sent to:
The staff member in charge of the Photograph Library/ Library of Plans at the FSA.
by post:
FSA, Library of Maps/Plans
6 Didotou Street
106 80 ATHENS
by email: -
by fax :
(+30) 210 36 41 861