New date: 28/02/2024- 18.30 UTC+2
An online lecture presented by AeGIS Athena
Sylviane Déderix & Lionel Fadin (École française d’Athènes)
In 2022, the École française d’Athènes and the Archaeological Service of Serres launched a new five-year excavation project on the site of Terpni Paliokastro, in the region of Central Macedonia. This new project offered an opportunity for the team to reflect on strategies of acquisition, management and analysis of excavation data. In this presentation, we will discuss the workflow that was thus adopted, focusing on the role played by geospatial technologies. We will explain the choices that were made regarding the use of such technologies in accordance with the goals of the project, constraints and preexisting solutions at the École française d’Athènes and beyond.