13/05/2024- 17.00 UTC+2
AAA lectures – The Aegean and Southwestern Balkans – 2024
Recent investigations at the Neolithic and Bronze Age settlement of Dikili Tash, Eastern Macedonia, Greece
With Pascal Darcque, Haïdo Koukouli-Chryssanthaki, Dimitra Malamidou & Zoï Tsirtsoni
Dikili Tash is one of the prehistoric sites in Northern Greece with the longest history of investigations (more than 100 years from its first identification, 63 years from the start of systematic excavations, conducted in the frame of a Greek-French collaboration) and also the one with the longest sequence of occupation, from the mid-7th to the end of 2nd millennium BC (Early Neolithic to Late Bronze Age), in addition to Historical and Modern periods. The lecture will provide a synthetic presentation, including results from the current program started in 2019.
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