Contact – research Ms Iokasti Kammenou – Administrative assistant, Direction of Studies + 30 210 36 79 904 |
Contact – press Ms Nolwenn Grémillet – Communication + 30 210 36 79 943 |
In 1873, A. Lebègue, member of the École française d’Athènes, undertook the first archaeological excavations on the island of Delos. These were soon followed by large-scale projects, which made it possible to clear a very large part of the ancient city. During the last 150 years, the extensive exploration of the island, carried out by the EFA and the Greek Archaeological Service, has made Delos one of the best-known ancient cities in the entire Mediterranean basin and a remarkable observatory for multiple subjects of study on Antiquity.
Throughout this anniversary year, various on-site and online events will highlight the history of the École française d’Athènes in Delos through exhibitions, publications, conferences and unpublished documents.
EFA lectures
Beyond its cycles of thematic seminars, the École française d’Athènes organizes throughout the year lectures and book presentations
Organised by:
Gilles DE RAPPER, Director of Studies (Early Modern and Modern Eras) at the EFA
Bertrand GRANDSAGNE, Head of the EFA publications
Laurianne MARTINEZ-SÈVE, Director of Studies (Ancient and Byzantine Worlds) at the EFA
Diverse perspectives on… the past in the identity
« Diverse perspectives on… » is a diachronic seminar that brings the scientific members of the EFA together around a common theme meant to be renewed every year. Regularly, one or two scientific members invite an expert to present research that echoes their ongoing work at the EFA.
The theme adopted in 2023 for the second edition of this seminar regards the links between the past and the construction of identity. Several aspects underlie this broad subject. Beyond the reception of the antiquity in modern societies, the goal is to explore diachronically the processes of appropriation, use, creation and re-signification of the past(s), within the framework of identity constructions by societies and human groups. Anachronism is a focal point in this approach, with conflicts between past and present, history and memory, or between different regimes of historicity seen as reflecting gaps and distortions inherent in the uses of the past that aim to bind a group together through a common narrative. The forms of appropriation and reappropriation of the past can be approached through texts, images, architecture, landscapes as well as material and immaterial culture. The multiple and fluid nature of identity and its perception, of narrating and rewriting the past, will thus be at the heart of our reflection.
The hybrid meetings will take place on Tuesdays at 18.00 in the conference room of the École française.
Organized by:
The scientific members of the two sections of the École française d'Athènes (Ancient and Byzantine Studies Section / Modern and Contemporary Studies Section).
Programme 2023
Chez Didot
This internal methodology seminar designed for the School’s scientific members and open to its guests, welcomes researchers for a discussion on their work or on their funded projects (ERC, ANR, etc.). It focuses on methodology, on the use of theoretical frameworks and conceptual tools and on the use of new technologies. Speakers may send in advance their paper or any document to participants in order to discuss them during the session.
Gilles DE RAPPER, Director of Studies (Early Modern and Modern Eras) at the EFA
Laurianne MARTINEZ-SÈVE, Director of Studies (Ancient and Byzantine Worlds) at the EFA
More information here
Seminars on Greek and Roman Antiquity
The Seminars on Greek and Roman Antiquity aim at presenting the most recent findings of research on the ancient Greek and Roman World, as well as on the wider region of the Eastern Mediterranean. They aspire to engage all disciplines relating to the study of the ancient world, focusing both on the written sources and on the material evidence, through the participation of experienced as well as younger scholars.
The seminars are co-organised by the Institute of Historical Research of the NHRF, the Department of History and Archaeology of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens and the École Française d’Athènes, and intend to encourage discussion between scholars of different disciplinary backgrounds. The Seminars are held monthly and are hosted every year by one of the three organizing institutions.
In 2022-2023 the seminars will be hosted at the National Hellenic Research Foundation.
Sophia ANEZIRI, Department of History and Archaeology of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens
Sophia KREMYDI, Institute of Historical Research, NHRF, Athens
Programme 2022-23…
Numismatic Meetings
Co-organised by the Belgian School at Athens (EBSA), the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (EKPA), the National Hellenic Research Foundation (EIE-IIE/TEPA), and the École française d'Athènes (EFA), the Numismatic Meetings are held regularly, on Mondays at 6.30pm (hybrid seminar).
The aim of the seminar is to demonstrate the strength of the numismatic research by pointing out the links and interactions of the discipline with history and archaeology. Every source and method related to numismatics will keep the attention of the seminar:
technical aspects, metrology, iconography, monetary, financial and economic history.
Scholars are invited to deliver a one-hour conference presenting the “what’s new” in numismatics, their latest studies and important new discoveries in the field. It is followed by a session of discussion and questions.
Organised by:
Tina Kalantzopoulou, Belgian School at Athens
Séléné Psôma, University of Athens
Sophia Kremydi, Institute of Historical Research, NHRF, Athens
Laurianne Martinez-Sève, École française d'Athènes
Programme 2022-23
Modern and Contemporary Studies Seminar
The Modern and Contemporary Studies Seminar is a moment of exchange gathering guest speakers and researchers from the programs of the modern and contemporary section. They are invited to present their work in connection with the structuring themes of the EFA and the research agenda of the section, as well as with current research on the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean. As a meeting place for researchers from different backgrounds, the seminar aims to promote the research carried out at the EFA in modern and contemporary history, anthropology, geography, sociology and art history (and beyond), but also to disseminate to the School’s community research carried out by several institutions in the area.
Responsable :
Gilles DE RAPPER, Directeur des études modernes et contemporaines de l'EFA
Programme 2023
The École française d'Athènes (EFA) and the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) are inaugurating a new cycle of lectures intended to present the research of their respective junior members. This platform is intended to stimulate discussions and exchanges among the members of the Foreign Schools. It promotes the research of the EFA and ASCSA junior members, as well as young scholars associated with the two Schools.
Organised by:
Laurianne MARTINEZ-SÈVE, Director of Studies (Ancient and Byzantine Worlds) at the EFA
Katie FINE, Assistant Director, ASCSA
26/04/2023 – 5 pm ASCSA
"Tomb cults and memories: new data and perspectives on remembering the dead"
With Ioannis Chalazonitis (EFA) & Sarah Norvel (ASCSA)
22/05/2023 – 5 pm EFA
"Cult places for Dionysos in Thrace"
With Ellen Archie (ASCSA) & Maguelone Bastide (EFA)