On compte aujourd’hui 19 instituts archéologiques étrangers à Athènes, officiellement agréés et également appelés « Écoles ». Fondée en 1846, l’École française d’Athènes en est la doyenne.
- Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens
- Austrian Archaeological Institute
- Belgian School at Athens
- École française d’Athènes
- Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens
- Netherlands Institute at Athens
- Polish Archaeological Institute at Athens
- Romanian Archaeological Institute in Athens
- Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene
- Swedish Institute at Athens
- Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece
- The American School of Classical Studies at Athens
- The British School at Athens
- The Canadian Institute in Greece
- The Danish Institute at Athens
- The Deutshes Archäologisches Institut
- The Finnish Institute at Athens
- The Georgian Institute at Athens
- The Norwegian Institute at Athens